Some press coverage that one of my early phase retrieval papers received.

Imagining new x-ray diffraction experiments

Here’s a link to a EurekaAlert article that talks about some of my x-ray imaging work recently published in Phys. Rev. A.

This has been part of my very productive postdoc work over the last two years. We’ve basically demonstrated a method to increase the resolution of inevitably “corrupted” detector images acquired when highly penetrating x-rays scatter off of crystals, while at the same time obtaining a 3D picture of the scattering crystal from these low-resolution images (a process known as “phase retrieval”). Methods like this will become particularly important when new, powerful synchrotron x-ray facilities come online in the very near future.

EDIT: I discovered later that this article received some attention in quite a few other science news outlets, as you can see here.

EDIT #2: This work was also recent APS science highlight.